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(Japanese) M1の彦坂君の論文もアクセプトされました
(Japanese) M1の横尾君の論文がGRLにアクセプトされました
(Japanese) Top Researchersの取材を受けました
(Japanese) B4の彦坂君も論文を投稿しました
(Japanese) エジンバラ大学の駒林グループと研究集会を開きました
(Japanese) B4の横尾君が英語の論文を投稿しました
Mr. Tagawa (D2) won 2018’s AGU’s Presentation Award
Mr. Tagawa, who is a second year doctoral course student and PhD. candidate in my lab., won a AGU’s Outstanding Student Presentation Award at AGU Fall meeting 2018 at Washington D.C.
The presentation title is DI43C-0033: Phase relations in non-stoichiometric FeHx at high pressures.
AGU said that,
“This prize is a great honor for young scientists at the beginning of their careers and the top 3-5% of presenters in each Section are awarded an OSPA.”
AGU website