(Japanese) 研究室の5名が卒業・修了しました

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(Japanese) 廣瀬先生が出演したBSテレ東の番組回が文部科学大臣賞を受賞しました。

Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

A joint seminar camp with Ohta Lab and Sinmyo Lab was held!

A joint seminar camp (2024.03.18-20) was held with Ohta Laboratory (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Sinmyo Laboratory (Meiji University), both working on high-pressure Earth science research similar to the Hirose Lab. The seminar presentations covered a wide range of topics, including high-pressure technology development and research on organic materials, which are not commonly discussed within …

(Japanese) AGU23に参加してきました

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We know that the interior of the earth is actually divided into many layers, just like an onion. When you peel away these layers one at a time from the outside in the same way you would peel an onion’s skin, you finally come to the core. The mantle above the core is also divided into four layers, and by 1974 we had identified what the first three layers were made of. When it comes to the lowest layer, the fourth layer, however, there were all kinds of hypotheses but they all remained in the realm of conjecture. This is why I wanted to elucidate the true nature of this material that formed the fourth layer.

My own determination as a scientist to take up for the first time in the world experiments that nobody had ever attempted.

The most important things are enthusiasm, effort and a little bit of luck. Moreover, in everything you do, it is important to first meet the challenge without making up your mind at the outset that it is impossible. This simple way of looking at things will change your life significantly. If some of you hold the view that you may not be able to pursue the scientific path just because your grades aren’t good, get rid of such a silly notion immediately and instead pursue every challenge that comes your way. When you do that, the path to the future will naturally open up before you.

Kei Hirose


We investigate the Earth’s deep interior materials and dynamics with ultra-high pressure and temperature experiments.

We know that the interior of the earth is actually divided into many layers, just like an onion. When you peel away these layers one at a time from the outside in the same way you would peel an onion’s skin, you finally come to the core. The mantle above the core is also divided into four layers, and by 1974 we had identified what the first three layers were made of. When it comes to the lowest layer, the fourth layer, however, there were all kinds of hypotheses but they all remained in the realm of conjecture. This is why I wanted to elucidate the true nature of this material that formed the fourth layer.


PostPerovskite phase was discovered in the condition of lowermost lower mantle (the red zone) (Murakami et. al. Science 2004)


2022 集合写真

2017 members

2018 members

2019 members

2021 members

廣瀬 敬(教授)


Fu Suyu(JSPS PD)


堤 裕太郎(D3)
日本学術振興会特別研究員 DC2

幾田 凪(D2)
日本学術振興会特別研究員 DC1

坂井 郁哉(D2)
日本学術振興会特別研究員 DC1

稲田 真子(D1)

竹澤 春樹(M2)

三田 修平(M2)

竹下 潤(M1)

平岡 大和(M1)


村上 元彦 (ETH Zürich) Prof. / Ph.D. (2004.3)
駒林 鉄也 (The University of Edinburgh) Reader (准教授) / Ph.D. (2005.3)
新名 良介 (明治大学 / 物理学科) Assoc. Prof. / Ph. D. (2010.3)
太田 健二 (東京工業大学 / 地球惑星科学専攻) Assoc. Prof. / Ph. D. (2010.9)
駒林(杉村) 恵美子 (The University of Edinburgh) Marie Curie Individual Fellow / Ph.D. (2011.3)
野村 龍一 (京都大学 / 人間・環境学研究科 / 白眉プロジェクト) Assoc. Prof. / Ph. D. (2014.3)
五味 斎 (東京工業大学 / 地球生命研究所) / Ph.D. (2014.3)
小澤 佳祐 (愛媛大学 / 地球深部ダイナミクス研究センター) JSPS PD / Ph. D. (2023.3)
横尾 舜平 (明治大学 / 物理学科)JSPS PD / Ph. D. (2024.3)
彦坂 晃太郎 (東京工業大学 / 地球惑星科学専攻) JSPS PD / Ph.D. (2024.3)

河口(今田) 沙織 (SPring-8/JASRI) Ph.D. (2015.3)
桑山 靖弘 (地震研)Ph.D.(2007.3)
岡 健太 (SPring-8/JASRI) Ph.D. (2023.3)

舘野 繁彦 Ph. D. (2008.3)
舘野(小澤) 春香 Ph.D. (2011.3)
工藤 祐樹 Ph.D. (2015.3)
田川 翔 Ph.D. (2020.3)

Previous lab. members
増野 いづみ (ETH Zurich) Ph.D.
- PD from April 2017 to December 2018
日下部 真夕 M.S.
– 2019/03 修士課程修了
冨田 涼太 B.S.
– 2019/03 学部卒業
増田 滉己 B.S.
– 2019/03 修士より固体講座 井出研に進学
夏井 文凜 (研究生)
– 2020/03 修士より地震研に進学
長谷川 将弘 M.S.
– 2022/03 修士課程修了
奥田善之 (University of Hawaii at Manoa) Ph.D.
– PD from April 2022 to October 2023
栗田 直季 M.S.
– 2024/03 修士課程修了