Hirose Laboratory – High Pressure Geophysics
We investigate the Earth's deep interior materials and dynamics with ultra-high pressure and temperature experiments. / The University of Tokyo
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栗田 直季
堆積岩のリサイクリング など
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Shunpei YOKOO
[email] shunpei [at] eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Current Research
Light elements in the outer core
[email] tsutsumi-yutaro988 [at] g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Current Research
Kei Hirose
2008年 日本学術振興会賞、2011年 日本学士院賞、2016年 藤原賞を受賞。
Major Publications:
1. Murakami, M., Hirose, K., Kawamura, K., Sata, N., Ohishi, Y., Post-perovskite phase transition in MgSiO3, Science, 304, 855–858, 2004.
2. Tateno, S., Hirose, K., Ohishi, Y., Tatsumi, Y., The structure of iron in Earth’s inner core, Science, 330, 359–361, 2010.
3. Hirose, K., Morard, G., Sinmyo, R., Umemoto, K., Hernlund, J., Helffrich, G., Labrosse, S., Crystallization of silicon dioxide and compositional evolution of the Earth’s core, Nature, 543, 99–102, 2017.
4. 廣瀬 敬、ついに見えてきた地球コア直上の世界、日経サイエンス、2007年1月号、42–49.
5. 廣瀬 敬、マントル進化の謎を解くマントルD”層、日経サイエンス、2010年9月号、72–80.
6. 廣瀬 敬、「できたての地球〜生命誕生の条件」、岩波科学ライブラリ
[email] hikosaka [at] g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Current Research
Phase diagram of Fe-H-Si at high P.
Superionic H2O
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[email] hasegawa-masahiro318 [at] g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Current Research
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Current Research
Fumiya SAKAI
Current Research
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Yoshiyuki OKUDA
Current Research
Kenta OKA
Current Research
The behavior of hydrogen at high P-T.
Keisuke OZAWA
Current Research
The phase diagram of the MgO-SiO2 system at high P.
[email] kuwayama [at] eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Current Research
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Phase diagram of FeHx
BD: 17th, November, 1990
BP: Miyazaki, Japan
Bachelor of Science: Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2015
Master of Science: Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2017
Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) DC1 (Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo)
○Awards, Honors
2015 Academic Excellence Awards for the 2015 academic year (Tokyo Institute of Technology) / Representative of the graduates
2018 AGU Fall meeting Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA)
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