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(Japanese) D2の坂井さんがJpGU2024の学生優秀発表賞を受賞しました
(Japanese) 堤さんと廣瀬先生が共同プレスリリースを発表しました─地球マントル深部での水の大循環が明らかに
(Japanese) 学生3名がJpGU2024で発表しました
(Japanese) パリのワークショップEPOE2024に参加しました
(Japanese) 研究室の5名が卒業・修了しました
(Japanese) 廣瀬先生が出演したBSテレ東の番組回が文部科学大臣賞を受賞しました。
A joint seminar camp with Ohta Lab and Sinmyo Lab was held!
A joint seminar camp (2024.03.18-20) was held with Ohta Laboratory (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Sinmyo Laboratory (Meiji University), both working on high-pressure Earth science research similar to the Hirose Lab.
The seminar presentations covered a wide range of topics, including high-pressure technology development and research on organic materials, which are not commonly discussed within the Hirose Lab. This provided us with the opportunity to explore various fields.
Furthermore, during breaks in the seminar, everyone enjoyed a softball and football game. Hirose-sensei, Ohta-sensei, and Sinmyo-sensei joined us at the game, which was a very good chance to deepening friendships.
(Japanese) AGU23に参加してきました
Prof. Hirose received Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal
Prof. Hirose received Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal from The European Geosciences Union (EGU).
This medal was established in recognition of the scientific acchievement of Robert Wilherm Bunsen. It is awareded to significant research in geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, and volcanology.
EGU2024 awards and medals:
Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal:
We will attend AGU23!
AGU23 will be held in San Francisco, U.S.A., from December 11 to 15.
Eight members from Hirose lab will participate and make talks and posters.
The following is the presentation by Hirose Lab.
【Monday, 11 December】
DI13A-04: 14:42 – 14:52
Electrical Conductivity of Superionic Hydrated SiO2: Implications for High Conductivity Anomalies Beneath Subduction Zones
Mako Inada, Yoshiyuki Okuda, Kei Hirose, Kenta Oka, Hideharu Kuwahara and Steeve Gréaux
【Tuesday, 12 December 2023】
MR21C-0069: 08:30 – 12:50
Liquid Density of Fe-H Alloys in Earth’s Outer Core
Suyu Fu, Kei Hirose, Shunpei Yokoo and Fumiya Sakai
DI23B-0027: 14:10 – 18:30
The Solubility of Helium in Iron at High Pressures; Helium in the Earth’s Core?
Haruki Takezawa and Kei Hirose
【Wednesday, 13 December 2023】
DI31B-0011: 08:30 – 12:50
The Effect of Hydrogen on the Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Sulfur
Shunpei Yokoo, Naoya Sakamoto, Kei Hirose, Yutaro Tsutsumi and Hisayoshi Yurimoto
【Thursday, 14 December 2023】
MR42A-05: 11:06 – 11:16
S-rich Sulfide Fe12S7 may Crystallize in the Martian Core
Fumiya Sakai, Kei Hirose, Hitoshi Gomi and Nozomu Hiraoka
MR42A-08: 11:39 – 11:49
The Fe-FeH Phase Diagram to Core Pressures by Experiments and Thermodynamic Modeling and the Possible Range of Earth’s Core Composition
Kei Hirose, George R Helffrich, Suyu Fu, Shoh Tagawa, Nagi Ikuta, Naoya Sakamoto and Hisayoshi Yurimoto
MR43C-0111: 14:10 – 18:30
Eutectic Melting Curve for the Fe-FeH System
Shuhei Mita, Suyu Fu and Kei Hirose
【Friday, 15 December 2023】
DI51B-0005: 08:30 – 12:50
Al-Bearing Hydrated SiO2 in Subducted MORB Crust Does Not Dehydrate at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Yutaro Tsutsumi, Naoya Sakamoto, Kei Hirose and Hisayoshi Yurimoto