Kazuaki Ohta's Web site!!



太田和晃, 井出哲, 波形相関総和を用いた新しい震源決定法:東海地域の低周波地震への適用, 日本地震学会 秋季大会 (仙台市, 2007.11) 口頭

太田和晃, 井出哲, 南海トラフ沈み込み帯における深部低周波地震の精密震源分布と局所的なプレート構造との関係, 日本地球惑星科学連合大会 (千葉, 2009.5) 口頭

太田和晃, 井出哲, 西日本における深部微動のすべり分布の推定, 日本地震学会 秋季大会 (静岡, 2011.10) 口頭

太田和晃, 井出哲, 西日本における深部微動のすべり分布の推定, 日本地球惑星科学連合大会 (千葉, 2012.5) ポスター


Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, An accurate hypocenter determination method using the summation of waveform cross-correlation, AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2007.12) ポスター

Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, Precise hypocenter locations of deep low-frequency earthquakes in Nankai subduction zone, Japan, ASC Fall meeting (Tsukuba, 2008.11) 口頭

Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, Precise hypocenter distribution of deep low-frequency earthquakes and its relationship to the local geometry of the subducting plate in Nankai subduction zone, Japan, SSA Annual meeting (Monterey, USA, 2009.4) 口頭

Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, Precise hypocenter distribution of deep low-frequency earthquakes and its relationship to the local geometry of the subducting plate in Nankai subduction zone, Japan, AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2009.12) ポスター

Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, Resolving slip evolution of deep tremor in western Japan , AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, USA, 2011.12) 口頭


Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, An accurate hypocenter determination method using network correlation coefficients, Workshop on Non-volcanic Tremor, Aseismic Slip, and Earthquakes (Sidney, British Columbia, Canada, 2008.3) ポスター

Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, Precise hypocenter distribution of deep low-frequency earthquakes and its relationship to the local geometry of the subducting plate in Nankai subduction zone, Japan, 沈み込み帯地震伝播モデル構築に関する意見交換会 (高知, 2009.3) 口頭

Kazuaki Ohta and Satoshi Ide, Resolving slip evolution of deep tremor in western Japan, International Conference on a New Perspective of Great Earthquakes along Subduction Zones in KOCHI (高知, 2012.2) ポスター

Copyright (C) 2010 Kaz. Ohta, All rights reserved.