Books and Special Issues

B10) An illustrated dictionary of earth science, 2018 (April). Edited by M. Toriumi, T. Irifune, H. Iwamori, S. Wallis, H. Kodaira, T. Komiya, H. Sakaguchi, T. Sagiya, D. Sueji, T. Nakagawa, H. Miyamoto. Asakura Publishers (in Japanese).

B9) Tsunami Hazards and Risks: Using the Geological Record, 2018 (Jan) edited by Scourse, E., Chapman, N., Tappin, D. and Wallis, S. R. Geological Society Special Publication, London. pp. 244.

B8) The Geology of Japan, (2016) edited by Moreno, T., Wallis, S. R., Kojima, T. & Gibbons, W. Geological Society, London, pp. 522.

B7) UHPM-25 years after the discovery of coesite & diamond (Eds: Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Faryad, S.W., Wallis, S. & Cuthbert, S.), Elsevier, March 2011, pp.696.

B6) Aitchison, J. & Wallis, S. R. (ed.) 2009. Papers arising out of the 22nd Himalaya- Karakorum-Tibet workshop (HKT22). Island Arc 18.

B5) Itaya, T. & Wallis, S. R. (ed.) 2009. Microchronology and microgeochemistry: problems, perspectives and geological applications. Island Arc 18 No. 2.

B4) Plume tectonics and unravelling earth history, edited by M. Kumazawa & S. Maruyama. Iwanami Publishers 2002 (一部執筆)(in Japanese)

B3) Wallis, S., Banno, S. & Komatsu, M. (ed.) 1998. Mid to deep crustal processes in the island-arc setting: the metamorphic belts of Japan. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 16, No. 1.

B2) Watanabe, T. & Wallis, S. (ed.) 1994. Tectonic processes in metamorphic belts, Island Arc 3.

B1) Banno, S. & Wallis, S. R. (ed.) 1990. The Sambagawa Metamorphic Belt, Japan. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 8, No. 4.