Structural Petrology & Tectonics Group

Solid Earth Science Group
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)


Prof. S. R. Wallis School of Science, UTokyo Department of Earth & Planetary Science, School of Science, UTokyo

Visiting Researcher: T. Nagaya (Tokyo Gakugei University, Lecturer)
JSPS Post Doc: S. Soejima
D3: T. Morohoshi
D2: T. Ito, Y. Koyama
M2: S. Masuda, A. Takahata
M1: K. Aida
B4: Hikaru Hoshi, Keita Takahashi

Former Members

  • Staff

    2019/9-2023/3 Assistant Prof. T. Nagaya (Currently Tokyo Gakugei University, Lecturer)

  • Students

    2024/07 E. Hassan (D)
    2024/3 T. Yeo (D), S. Soejima(D), S. Maehara(M), K. Aida (U)
    2023/3 K. Yamaoka (D), T. Ito (M), Y. Koyama (M)
    2022/3 T. Morohoshi (M), S. Maehara (U)
    2021/3 K. Yoshida (M), S. Soejima (M), T. Ito (U), Y. Koyama (U)
    2020/3 I. Sakaguchi (D), K. Yamaoka (M)
    2019/3 M. Yokota (M), N. Kameda (M)
    2018/3 D. Tsang (D), K. Sadamoto (M), N. Hanamoto (M)
    2017/3 Y. Harada (M), M. Yokota (U), N. Kameda (U)
    2016/3 T. Nagaya (D), H. Kawahara (M), K. Sadamoto (U)
    2014/3 T. Kondo (U)
    2013/3 H. Mori (D), N. Mori (M)
    2012/3 T. Nagaya (M)
    2011/3 A. Nishii (M), Y. Inoue (U)
    2010/3 S. Endo (D), C. Shirakawa (M), M. Mitsuishi (M)
    2009/3 H. Mori (M), A. Nishi (U)
    2008/3 H. Kobayashi (M)
    2007/3 S. Endo (M), M. Mitsuishi (U)
    2006/3 T. Fukunari (M), H. Shimizu (M), H. Kobayashi (U)
    2005/3 M. Ohtani (M), S. Endo (U)
    2004/3 T. Fukunari (U), H. Shimizu (U)
    2003/3 T. Mizukami (D), K. Chikaraishi (U), M. Ohtani (U)
    2002/3 Y. Adachi (M), H. Nakajima (U)
    2001/3 M. Matsumoto (M)
    2000/3 M. Aoya (D), Y. Moriyama (M), Y. Adachi (U), A. Watanabe (U)
    1999/3 M. Matsumoto (U)
    1998/3 K. Muta (M), T. Makino (M), Y. Moriyama (U)
    1996/3 M: Aoya (M)

  • PD Researchers

    2023/03/29 - 09/28 Olivia Hogg
    2018/3 - 2018/9 Eva Hartung
    2014/12 - 2016/12 Nicola Clark
    2014/8 - 2014/12 Owen Weller
    2013/10 - 2014/2 Daeyeong Kim
    2011/7 - 2011/10 Luca Caricchi
    2010/5 - 2011/5 Izabella Nowak
    2005/4 - 2008/3 Tomoyuki Mizukami

Examples of Recent International Collaboration

Univ. Geneva, Switzerland: Prof. L. Caricchi (development of plutonic systems)
Univ. Southern California, USA: Prof J. P. Platt (development of microstructure in two phase rocks)
Univ. Oxford, UK: Prof. J. D. Blundy (volcanism and natural resources) Univ. Oxford, UK: Prof. M. Kendall, Senior Research Fellow Dr. A. Walker (seismic anisotropy and microstructure)
Carnegie Mellon Univ, USA: Prof. M. DeGraef (development of EBSD systems)


2nd December 2024

November 23-27 Morohoshi-san, Soejimasa, and SW carried out field work in the eastern part of Aichi prefecture. The purpose of the field work was to collect samples suitable for studying material transport around an igneous intrusion and to determine the order of intrusion of different facies.
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Coarse grained granite intrudes pelitic schist showing evidence for partial melting. A network of partially molten rock combines to form igneous veins of a few cm thickness, which cross cut the granite.

A fine grained granite intrudes pelitic schist. The presence of contrasting types of granite over a distance of 200 m shows the complexity of relationships in the area.

Andalusite-bearing pelitic schist. Observations in the X-Y plane show porphyroblasts with asymmetric structures.

The same outcrop of andalusite-bearing pelitic schist. Observations in the X-Y plane show elongate porphyroblasts.

12th August 2024

We went to Ryumonzan in Wakayama Prefecture 7-9 August. It was very hot and we were grateful for the bottles of frozen drink sold in the convenience stores.
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Strongly foliated pelitic schist. If you look closely you can see numerous tight folds.

A close up shot of the pelitic schist showing crenulations of an older schistosity.

At the summit of Ryumonzan (蛇紋岩). On the path there was an area where the magnetism of the serpentinite was so strong that the compass needle rotated 180°.

The view from Ryumonzan. The built up valley marks the location of the Median Tectonic Line.

12th August 2024

July 13-14 we climbed Mt Kinpusan close to Kofu city in Yamanashi Prefecture.
Our thanks to OB Dr Yamaoka (AIST) for his excellent work as a guide. We saw a range of structures that helped us understand the formation of granite plutons.
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A brief stop at a waterfall.

Group photo at the summit of Mt Kinpu (2599 m). It didn't rain too much.

Gently dipping aplite intruded into granite

Miarolitic cavities in the granite. These features commonly show a steep fabric.

4th July 2024

A new paper has been published in the JpGU flagship journal PEPS. It is a report of a very unusual garnet peridotite from an oceanic domain and its implications for convection in the Asthenosphere. Several of the authors are or were members of the Petro-Tectonics seminar: N. Akizawa, K. Ozawa, S. R. Wallis, T. Nagaya, and C. Ohshima

1st July 2024

A new paper about carbonaceous material Raman thermometry has been published with many of authors members of the Nagoya and Tokyo ganko groups: Simon Wallis, Yui Kouketsu, Mutsuki Aoya and Ken Yamaoka. The paper provides an automated way to process Raman spectra, and we hope it will save a lot of time for people trying to estimate metamorphic temperatures.


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